Startseite » Calf feeding – Förster-Technik » 40FIT calf feeding » 40FIT partner
Feeding calves according to their needs in the first few weeks has a greater influence on performance than breeding. The foundations for fully exploiting the calves’ genetic potential are laid up to around the 40th day of life. Metabolic programming also takes place during this phase and has a lifelong effect. The first 40 days of life are crucial because the growth of tissue and organs takes place as a result of cell division. After that, it is no longer the number of cells that grows, but their volume. With the 40FIT feeding plan and many hardware and software products, Förster-Technik provides optimum support for calf growth during this phase.
Förster-Technik cooperates with many well-known partners
The success of 40FIT technology only really comes to fruition when technology and feed are optimally matched.
Förster-Technik cooperates with leading providers of milk replacers and advisory services to offer farmers a coordinated feeding system.
This makes the first weeks of life the best possible start for the future high-performance cow.
In the early feeding period, the supply should be geared towards high daily gains – high-quality milk replacer in a sufficiently high concentration or whole milk is suitable for this.