Automatic Milk Management in use at Ackermann farm

Testimonial of Matthias Ackermann

  "I run a versatile organic farm in Switzerland with my family and employees. Until now, we had to carry the milk for the calves about 80 meters into the calf barn. For this we were looking for a cheap alternative and decided to use the Automatic Milk Management from Förster-Technik. Here, the fresh milk is transported from the milking robot to the calf barn in an underground pipe. This is a great relief for us as a family and also for the employees. The physical work is less, you need much less time and also the group housing with the automatic feeder works very well. The calves in groups learn better social behavior and the work is also much easier for us. A second group to separate the smaller and larger calves is also already planned."

- Matthias Ackermann -


Farm profile


Farm manager: Matthias Ackermann

Location: Wolfwil, Kanton Solothurn (Swiss)

Farming type: Organic farm with dairy farming, dairy, farm store and more

Number of animals: 100 dairy cows, 90 calves per year

Calf feeding equipment: One automatic feeder with two feeding stations, SmartTank and MilkCollector, in use since March 2021

    Read more testimonials here!